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Inside NKU Mockup

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NKU awarded nearly $300,000 for 5-year, statewide climate change research project


3CDC supports NKU’s 7th annual Econ Games as key sponsor


NKU sophomore, Sarah Ogden, makes first-ever U.S. Women’s Cyber Team


NKU awarded nearly $300,000 for 5-year, statewide climate change research project


NKU awarded nearly $300,000 for 5-year, statewide climate change research project


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Featured Stories

Alumni News

Michelle Griesinger

June 2024

Rediscovering Roots through Song

“We really tried to interpret things outside of the box. We weren't just looking for that perfectclassic sound, but a sound that serves the text." [...]

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Dr. Mike DiCicco.

May 2024

Bridging the Gap

Teaching was always in the cards for Dr. Mike DiCicco. “I always knew I was going to teach,” he says. “I just wasn’t sure what level.” [...]

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Dr. Mike DiCicco.

May 2024

A Community Feel

For as long as she can remember, Ella Tarvin has wanted to be a teacher. Growing up, she’d pretend to run a classroom while playing with her siblings [...]

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Faculty Profiles

Michelle Griesinger

Michelle Griesinger

“What I found to be special at NKU is the small class size, which allowed for individualized attention from professors and peers. The lab …

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Rayah Stein

Rayah Stein

“As a student at NKU I had so many opportunities, I was the chair of the Health Professions Club, a STEM Peer mentor, Supplemental …

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Justin Gibson

Justin Gibson

“My time at NKU served as a critical inflection point on the path of my career trajectory. In particular, the opportunity to get involved ...

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Ariel Porter

Ariel Porter

“I am in my fourth year of medical school at the University of Kentucky College of Medicine - Northern Kentucky University campus. NKU provided me …

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Student Successes

Loch Norse


A Historic Milestone


Quisque ultricies, nunc eget semper posuere, risus sem suscipit mauris, ac auctor augue magna id augue. Pellentesque vitae nulla massa. Praesent ante odio, pulvinar vitae diam lobortis, imperdiet laoreet felis. Fusce sed luctus lectus. Nullam id urna in est tincidunt elementum.  

Loch Norse


A Historic Milestone


Quisque ultricies, nunc eget semper posuere, risus sem suscipit mauris, ac auctor augue magna id augue. Pellentesque vitae nulla massa. Praesent ante odio, pulvinar vitae diam lobortis, imperdiet laoreet felis. Fusce sed luctus lectus. Nullam id urna in est tincidunt elementum.  

Loch Norse


A Historic Milestone


Quisque ultricies, nunc eget semper posuere, risus sem suscipit mauris, ac auctor augue magna id augue. Pellentesque vitae nulla massa. Praesent ante odio, pulvinar vitae diam lobortis, imperdiet laoreet felis. Fusce sed luctus lectus. Nullam id urna in est tincidunt elementum.